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vSRO Paylaşım [Release] Globals Chat Colors - Renkli Global Chat 🌎

Merak ettim de bu DLL sadece bende olsa ben bunu herhangi bir server inject etsem sonra glo atsam herkes de görünürmü?
[QUOTE = "ZaKuRa, post: 53440, member: 534"]
:Oh yeah: something good that many expected

Ekli dosyayı görüntüle 7816

Put the GlobalColor.dll in your Silkroad root directory.
After that you have to Inject the GlobalColor.dll in your sro_client.exe.
Now we're able to use the Colors.
You don't need a Packet Filter for this Solution.
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How to Use:

Just write after your Message for example & G to write a Green Global.
If you don't write a Command in your message, the Color will be Yellow.

& R: Red Message
& B: Blue Message
& G: Green Message

Changed logs:
Update : Fixed the Chat Bug, that you can write in every Chat with Colors

download 🔥
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[QUOTE = "LegendSro, post: 53473, member: 3096"]
Ekli dosyayı görüntüle 7822
3 colors are defined, but you can duplicate, I guess you have to try it with IDA Pro. :D
Pleaze Get The Program Link
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