*** Gizli metin: alıntı yapılamaz. ***
Credits= Ahmed Salah
Item Management (Done)
Skills Management
Monsters Management
NPCs Management
Shops Management
Quests Management
Region and Portals Management
How To Run
1. Modify Migrator\appsettings.json and change the following values <DBServer> ,<DBUser>,<DBPassword>,<Port>
2. Run CreateDB.bat and make sure that DB called "SROCMS" Is created
3.Modify Application\appsettings.json and change the following values <DBServer> ,<DBUser>,<DBPassword>,<ShardDatabaseName>,<Port>, <DataFolderPath>,<MediaFolderPath>,<UpdateStagingF olderPath>,<MediaTextLanguageIndex>,<MediaTextKeyI ndex>,<MediaTextIdIndex>
4. Run Start_SRO_CMS.bat and make wait until you see Now listening on: https://[::]:<port>
5. Open
:<Port> in the browser
6. Use "Admin" , "1q2w3E*" as admin username and password (you may change it later)