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vSRO Paylaşım Z-Filter Source


6 Şub 2019
Alınan Beğeni
Ödül Puanları
Dosya Adı:​
Z-Filter Source Kaynak Dosyaları​
Dosya İçeriği:​
.exe, Kurulum Dosyası, Crack Dosyası vb.​

Gizli metni görüntülemek için konuya cevap vermelisiniz. Engelsiz Tüm gizli İçerikleri Görmek için Elite üyelik satın alabilirsiniz. Ücretli Üyelikler
Dosya Amacı:​
Guard Source​

Çok Eski bi filter fixli değildir çoğu şey veya hatta hiçbirşey fixli bile olmayabilir altyapı için sadece paylaştım :D





  • Avatar exploit fixed
  • Invisible/Invincible exploit fixed
  • CharName injector exploit fixed
  • Zerk exploit fixed
  • Gameserver crash exploit fixed
  • ALL New exploit fixed on Z-Filter




Login Features

  1. Launcher News (you can renews the launcher news by the filter not need to restart gateway server anymore..!)
  2. Server Information (you can set your server name fake online max server online)
  3. Remove Captcha (you can easily remove the game captcha by our filter)

GM Features

  1. Mobkill 0 Command (you can improve this command to be mobkill 1 so gm cant get any drop from uniques)
  2. GM Control (you can control every single gm in your list Check _RefGM_Control)
  3. GM Start Visible (your gms will be visible for every one)
  4. Login Notice (Players will get notice when they login into your server (normal players only.))
  5. GM Private Password (you can protect your gms by type a second password on the game gm cant use notice/console before he enter the password)

JOB Features

  1. Disable JOB Mode (you can remove the job from your server)
  2. Reverse Scrolls (you can block this scroll while job state)
  3. Resurrection scroll (you can block this scroll while job state)
  4. Trace function (you can block this function while job state)
  5. Zerk function (you can block this function while job state)
  6. Berserk pot Scrolls function (you can block this scroll while job state)
  7. JOB Anti cheat (you can improve your job this feature will block thief cant use return scroll/pick trade items inside towns/spawn horses/trade pets inside towns)
  8. Europe Exchange (Europe players cant use exchange while job state europe players only)
  9. Chinese Exchange (Chinese players cant use exchange while job state chinese players only)
  10. Europe Exchange Delay (you can stop exchange delay for eu players while job state)
  11. Chinese Exchange Delay (you can stop exchange delay for ch players while job state)
  12. Job Skills (you can block specific Skills while job state)

Event Features
Battle Arena

  • Disable Battle arena (you can disable arena without restart your server)
  • Trace function (you can block this function inside Battle arena)
  • Zerk function (you can block this function inside Battle arena)
  • Berserk pot scrolls (you can block this scroll inside Battle arena)
  • Resurrection scroll (you can block this scroll inside Battle arena)
  • Europe Exchange (Europe players cant use exchange inside Battle arena europe players only)
  • Chinese Exchange (Chinese players cant use exchange while inside Battle arena chinese players only)
  • Europe Exchange Delay (you can stop exchange delay for eu players inside Battle arena)
  • Chinese Exchange Delay (you can stop exchange delay for ch players inside Battle arena)
  • Arena Skill (You can block skill inside battle arena)

Some area take the same setting of Battle Arena
Forgotten World
Jupiter Temple
Any Fortress war
Jangan Fortress
Bandit Fortress
Hotan Fortress

BOT Features

  • Ability to prevent third-part programs to enter the game.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs from alchemy.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs from joining Arena.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs from joining CTF.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs from joining Fortress.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs from changing avatar blues!
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs to create party matches!
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs to invite to party matches!
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs from opening a stall.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs to exchange another user.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs to use PVP cape.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs to join Holy water temple.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs to join Job Temple (Alex Cave).
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs to join Fortress war.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs to join Forgotten World.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs from tracing other users.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs from exchange other users.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs to use avatars blue.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs to use specific skill.

Block SRO Functions Features

  • Ability to prevent Zerk in specific region
  • Ability to prevent Party in specific region
  • Ability to prevent Berserk Pot in specific region
  • Ability to prevent Trace in specific region
  • Ability to prevent Skill in specific region

PVP Features

  • Ability to prevent Zerk While pvp mode
  • Ability to prevent restart While pvp mode
  • Ability to prevent exit While pvp mode
  • Ability to prevent stall While pvp mode
  • Ability to prevent Berserk Pot While pvp mode
  • Ability to prevent Trace While pvp mode
  • Ability to prevent Skill While pvp mode
  • Ability to prevent PVP in specific region
  • Ability to prevent Europe players exchange While pvp mode
  • Ability to prevent Chinese players exchange While pvp mode
  • Ability to prevent Europe players exchange delay While pvp mode
  • Ability to prevent Chinese players exchange delay While pvp mode

LOG Feature

  • Ability to Log Private Chat
  • Ability to Log GM Chat
  • Ability to Log Stall Chat
  • Ability to Log Guild Chat
  • Ability to Log Union Chat
  • Ability to Log Party Chat
  • Ability to Log All Chat
  • Ability to Log Global Chat
  • Ability to Log Academy Chat
  • Ability to Log Unique's Kills

Auto PVP Feature

Auto pvp what that mean?
here you can set some regions that player will wear pvp cape automatically
that you chose
some sro feature can be managed in this area..

  • Ability to set the min level for who can play in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent change or close pvp mode in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent specific Skill in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent party in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent Zerk in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent restart in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent exit in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent stall in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent Berserk Pot in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent Trace in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent Skill in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent Europe players exchange in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent Chinese players exchange in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent Europe players exchange delay in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent Chinese players exchange delay in auto-pvp region

Level Feature

  • Ability to set the min level for who can join arena
  • Ability to set the min level for who can join CTF
  • Ability to set the min level for who can open stall
  • Ability to set the min level for who can wear pvp cape
  • Ability to set the min level for who can use Exchange
  • Ability to set the min level for who can join Job
  • Ability to set the min level for who can use Resurrection scrolls
  • Ability to set the min level for who can use Zerk
  • Ability to set the min level for who can use global chat
  • Ability to set the min level for who can use reverse scrolls

Delay Feature

  • Exchange delay specified in seconds
  • Stall delay specified in seconds
  • Global delay specified in seconds
  • Reverse delay specified in seconds
  • Restart delay specified in seconds
  • Exit delay specified in seconds
  • Zerk delay specified in seconds.
  • Auto attack delay specified in seconds.
  • Pet delay specified in seconds.
  • Party delay specified in seconds.
  • Resurrection Scrolls delay specified in seconds.

Block Chat Feature

On this feature you can block all chat for user
user cant use any chat on the game before the end date

Bad-Word Advanced Filter


do you hate bad words?
here we made a advanced bad-word filter
filter will check every single name-message sent by users
if he find a bad word that on the filter bad word list
will ignore it wont be sent for the server anymore
filter will check what?

Crate new Character
Crate new Party
Change Party title
Crate new Guild
About Guild notice
Guild change grant-name
Guild notice
Crate new job
change job name
Send Message to guild member
Send Message to players















Limit Feature

IP Limit

Hwid Limit

Guild Limit

Union Limit

Extra Feature

  • Ability to prevent academy invite
  • Ability to prevent academy create
  • Ability to prevent Up STR
  • Ability to prevent Up INT
  • Ability to prevent Up Skills
  • Ability to prevent Up Mastery
  • Ability to prevent Restart
  • Ability to prevent Stall Out town
  • Ability to prevent avatar blue


Item Lock Feature

item-lock(anti scam system)

now you can protect your players
by add a private password on there account
!lock password will lock the character so most of the game will be locked you cant use stall,drop,guild..etc
!unlock password will unlock the character so can be use any thing
!removelock password will remove the lock system from the character

lock will prevent player from use

update guild grant name (if he muster the guild)
Disband the guild (if he muster the guild)
ban user from guild (if he muster the guild)
Promote the guild (if he muster the guild)
set Permission for user (if he muster the guild)
ban union (if he muster the guild)
leave union (if he muster the guild)
alchemy any type (elixir,socket,stone..etc)
donate guild gp
leave guild
guild invite
union invite
open guild storage
buy any thing from stall
up STR , UP INT, UP Skills, up mastery
create stall
use zerk
avatar blue
use Berserk potion
use global chat
use Rescurrection scroll
use job mode
buying item from npc
selling item to npc
drop item/gold
any type of exchange (send request/accept..etc)

Switch Title Feature
Prevent Teleport Feature

You can block specific TeleportID
By getting the teleportID from _RefTeleport
Like 1 -->Jangan
How To?:
Open sql and go SRO_VT_ZYENO-->_RefPreventTeleportID
And add what you want
Remember that you can re-enable The blocked teleport ID by setting service 0


Block Advance Elixir Feature

do you want to block advanced elixir on some items?
go to Silkroad-filter systems-> lists -> advance elixir list
how to use?
get the itemid that you want to block advance on itemid
and insert it into the list

Plus limit for specific Item Feature

Here you can set plus for specific item
How To?
Go to filter-->SYSTEMS-->Setting set (Enable Plus Limit For Specific item true)
Get item id and go to filter-->SYSTEMS-->Item Plus Limit
Add the itemid and the specific plus


Guild Member Grant Name Feature

Players can change their Grant-name w/o Guild master by chat command
!grantname New Grant here
Guild Master Must Be Online

AFK Feature

Afk bubbles
You can disconnect/Mark afk players on CTF/FORTRESS/ARENA/ALL



Reward Per Hour Feature

You can reward your palyers by special rewards
You can set the min level who can get the reward
You can prevent Bot/Afk players from getting the reward
You can notice the player who get the reward

Reward Types
Silk Gift
Silk Point
Gold Coins
Copper Coins
Iron Coins
Silver Coins
Arena Coins
Global Chat Scrolls


Alchemy New notice Feature

special alchemy plus notice
notice will have 2 different type
if the item have a advanced elixir
[Alchemy] Player Zyeno fused item item_name to plus plus_value with advanced elixir adv_value
[Alchemy] Player Zyeno fused item item_name to plus plus_value without advanced elixir




Switch Title Feature information will added soon



  • Filter is encrypted, if virustotal shows anything its false positive
  • You must import filter Notify files.txt into your media.pk2
  • Check SHARD/ACC DB Name in SRO_VT_ZYENO Stored Procedure's

Download from Attachments
You Must Download


Key | Usage
The server is full, please try again later. |If the server reach the maximum players
Cannot connect to the server because access to the current IP has exceeded its limit. | User reach the maximum limit for ip
Cannot connect to the server because the server is now in inspection. | Server is inspection
Cannot connect because the free service is over. | User reach the maximum limit for hwid
Only users over the age of 12 are allowed to connect to the server. | Bot user try to login to the server
Adults over the age of 18 are not allowed to connect to the Teen server. | User try to login with out sending the hwid





VArcane Family , Team , Company
12 Ocak 2019
Alınan Beğeni
Ödül Puanları
Dosya Adı:​
Z-Filter Source Kaynak Dosyaları​
Dosya İçeriği:​
.exe, Kurulum Dosyası, Crack Dosyası vb.​

*** Gizli metin: alıntı yapılamaz. ***​
Dosya Amacı:​
Guard Source​

Çok Eski bi filter fixli değildir çoğu şey veya hatta hiçbirşey fixli bile olmayabilir altyapı için sadece paylaştım :D





  • Avatar exploit fixed
  • Invisible/Invincible exploit fixed
  • CharName injector exploit fixed
  • Zerk exploit fixed
  • Gameserver crash exploit fixed
  • ALL New exploit fixed on Z-Filter




Login Features

  1. Launcher News (you can renews the launcher news by the filter not need to restart gateway server anymore..!)
  2. Server Information (you can set your server name fake online max server online)
  3. Remove Captcha (you can easily remove the game captcha by our filter)

GM Features

  1. Mobkill 0 Command (you can improve this command to be mobkill 1 so gm cant get any drop from uniques)
  2. GM Control (you can control every single gm in your list Check _RefGM_Control)
  3. GM Start Visible (your gms will be visible for every one)
  4. Login Notice (Players will get notice when they login into your server (normal players only.))
  5. GM Private Password (you can protect your gms by type a second password on the game gm cant use notice/console before he enter the password)

JOB Features

  1. Disable JOB Mode (you can remove the job from your server)
  2. Reverse Scrolls (you can block this scroll while job state)
  3. Resurrection scroll (you can block this scroll while job state)
  4. Trace function (you can block this function while job state)
  5. Zerk function (you can block this function while job state)
  6. Berserk pot Scrolls function (you can block this scroll while job state)
  7. JOB Anti cheat (you can improve your job this feature will block thief cant use return scroll/pick trade items inside towns/spawn horses/trade pets inside towns)
  8. Europe Exchange (Europe players cant use exchange while job state europe players only)
  9. Chinese Exchange (Chinese players cant use exchange while job state chinese players only)
  10. Europe Exchange Delay (you can stop exchange delay for eu players while job state)
  11. Chinese Exchange Delay (you can stop exchange delay for ch players while job state)
  12. Job Skills (you can block specific Skills while job state)

Event Features
Battle Arena

  • Disable Battle arena (you can disable arena without restart your server)
  • Trace function (you can block this function inside Battle arena)
  • Zerk function (you can block this function inside Battle arena)
  • Berserk pot scrolls (you can block this scroll inside Battle arena)
  • Resurrection scroll (you can block this scroll inside Battle arena)
  • Europe Exchange (Europe players cant use exchange inside Battle arena europe players only)
  • Chinese Exchange (Chinese players cant use exchange while inside Battle arena chinese players only)
  • Europe Exchange Delay (you can stop exchange delay for eu players inside Battle arena)
  • Chinese Exchange Delay (you can stop exchange delay for ch players inside Battle arena)
  • Arena Skill (You can block skill inside battle arena)

Some area take the same setting of Battle Arena
Forgotten World
Jupiter Temple
Any Fortress war
Jangan Fortress
Bandit Fortress
Hotan Fortress

BOT Features

  • Ability to prevent third-part programs to enter the game.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs from alchemy.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs from joining Arena.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs from joining CTF.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs from joining Fortress.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs from changing avatar blues!
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs to create party matches!
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs to invite to party matches!
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs from opening a stall.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs to exchange another user.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs to use PVP cape.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs to join Holy water temple.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs to join Job Temple (Alex Cave).
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs to join Fortress war.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs to join Forgotten World.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs from tracing other users.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs from exchange other users.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs to use avatars blue.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs to use specific skill.

Block SRO Functions Features

  • Ability to prevent Zerk in specific region
  • Ability to prevent Party in specific region
  • Ability to prevent Berserk Pot in specific region
  • Ability to prevent Trace in specific region
  • Ability to prevent Skill in specific region

PVP Features

  • Ability to prevent Zerk While pvp mode
  • Ability to prevent restart While pvp mode
  • Ability to prevent exit While pvp mode
  • Ability to prevent stall While pvp mode
  • Ability to prevent Berserk Pot While pvp mode
  • Ability to prevent Trace While pvp mode
  • Ability to prevent Skill While pvp mode
  • Ability to prevent PVP in specific region
  • Ability to prevent Europe players exchange While pvp mode
  • Ability to prevent Chinese players exchange While pvp mode
  • Ability to prevent Europe players exchange delay While pvp mode
  • Ability to prevent Chinese players exchange delay While pvp mode

LOG Feature

  • Ability to Log Private Chat
  • Ability to Log GM Chat
  • Ability to Log Stall Chat
  • Ability to Log Guild Chat
  • Ability to Log Union Chat
  • Ability to Log Party Chat
  • Ability to Log All Chat
  • Ability to Log Global Chat
  • Ability to Log Academy Chat
  • Ability to Log Unique's Kills

Auto PVP Feature

Auto pvp what that mean?
here you can set some regions that player will wear pvp cape automatically
that you chose
some sro feature can be managed in this area..

  • Ability to set the min level for who can play in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent change or close pvp mode in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent specific Skill in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent party in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent Zerk in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent restart in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent exit in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent stall in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent Berserk Pot in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent Trace in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent Skill in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent Europe players exchange in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent Chinese players exchange in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent Europe players exchange delay in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent Chinese players exchange delay in auto-pvp region

Level Feature

  • Ability to set the min level for who can join arena
  • Ability to set the min level for who can join CTF
  • Ability to set the min level for who can open stall
  • Ability to set the min level for who can wear pvp cape
  • Ability to set the min level for who can use Exchange
  • Ability to set the min level for who can join Job
  • Ability to set the min level for who can use Resurrection scrolls
  • Ability to set the min level for who can use Zerk
  • Ability to set the min level for who can use global chat
  • Ability to set the min level for who can use reverse scrolls

Delay Feature

  • Exchange delay specified in seconds
  • Stall delay specified in seconds
  • Global delay specified in seconds
  • Reverse delay specified in seconds
  • Restart delay specified in seconds
  • Exit delay specified in seconds
  • Zerk delay specified in seconds.
  • Auto attack delay specified in seconds.
  • Pet delay specified in seconds.
  • Party delay specified in seconds.
  • Resurrection Scrolls delay specified in seconds.

Block Chat Feature

On this feature you can block all chat for user
user cant use any chat on the game before the end date

Bad-Word Advanced Filter


do you hate bad words?
here we made a advanced bad-word filter
filter will check every single name-message sent by users
if he find a bad word that on the filter bad word list
will ignore it wont be sent for the server anymore
filter will check what?

Crate new Character
Crate new Party
Change Party title
Crate new Guild
About Guild notice
Guild change grant-name
Guild notice
Crate new job
change job name
Send Message to guild member
Send Message to players















Limit Feature

IP Limit

Hwid Limit

Guild Limit

Union Limit

Extra Feature

  • Ability to prevent academy invite
  • Ability to prevent academy create
  • Ability to prevent Up STR
  • Ability to prevent Up INT
  • Ability to prevent Up Skills
  • Ability to prevent Up Mastery
  • Ability to prevent Restart
  • Ability to prevent Stall Out town
  • Ability to prevent avatar blue


Item Lock Feature

item-lock(anti scam system)

now you can protect your players
by add a private password on there account
!lock password will lock the character so most of the game will be locked you cant use stall,drop,guild..etc
!unlock password will unlock the character so can be use any thing
!removelock password will remove the lock system from the character

lock will prevent player from use

update guild grant name (if he muster the guild)
Disband the guild (if he muster the guild)
ban user from guild (if he muster the guild)
Promote the guild (if he muster the guild)
set Permission for user (if he muster the guild)
ban union (if he muster the guild)
leave union (if he muster the guild)
alchemy any type (elixir,socket,stone..etc)
donate guild gp
leave guild
guild invite
union invite
open guild storage
buy any thing from stall
up STR , UP INT, UP Skills, up mastery
create stall
use zerk
avatar blue
use Berserk potion
use global chat
use Rescurrection scroll
use job mode
buying item from npc
selling item to npc
drop item/gold
any type of exchange (send request/accept..etc)

Switch Title Feature
Prevent Teleport Feature

You can block specific TeleportID
By getting the teleportID from _RefTeleport
Like 1 -->Jangan
How To?:
Open sql and go SRO_VT_ZYENO-->_RefPreventTeleportID
And add what you want
Remember that you can re-enable The blocked teleport ID by setting service 0


Block Advance Elixir Feature

do you want to block advanced elixir on some items?
go to Silkroad-filter systems-> lists -> advance elixir list
how to use?
get the itemid that you want to block advance on itemid
and insert it into the list

Plus limit for specific Item Feature

Here you can set plus for specific item
How To?
Go to filter-->SYSTEMS-->Setting set (Enable Plus Limit For Specific item true)
Get item id and go to filter-->SYSTEMS-->Item Plus Limit
Add the itemid and the specific plus


Guild Member Grant Name Feature

Players can change their Grant-name w/o Guild master by chat command
!grantname New Grant here
Guild Master Must Be Online

AFK Feature

Afk bubbles
You can disconnect/Mark afk players on CTF/FORTRESS/ARENA/ALL



Reward Per Hour Feature

You can reward your palyers by special rewards
You can set the min level who can get the reward
You can prevent Bot/Afk players from getting the reward
You can notice the player who get the reward

Reward Types
Silk Gift
Silk Point
Gold Coins
Copper Coins
Iron Coins
Silver Coins
Arena Coins
Global Chat Scrolls


Alchemy New notice Feature

special alchemy plus notice
notice will have 2 different type
if the item have a advanced elixir
[Alchemy] Player Zyeno fused item item_name to plus plus_value with advanced elixir adv_value
[Alchemy] Player Zyeno fused item item_name to plus plus_value without advanced elixir




Switch Title Feature information will added soon



  • Filter is encrypted, if virustotal shows anything its false positive
  • You must import filter Notify files.txt into your media.pk2
  • Check SHARD/ACC DB Name in SRO_VT_ZYENO Stored Procedure's

Download from Attachments
You Must Download


Key | Usage
The server is full, please try again later. |If the server reach the maximum players
Cannot connect to the server because access to the current IP has exceeded its limit. | User reach the maximum limit for ip
Cannot connect to the server because the server is now in inspection. | Server is inspection
Cannot connect because the free service is over. | User reach the maximum limit for hwid
Only users over the age of 12 are allowed to connect to the server. | Bot user try to login to the server
Adults over the age of 18 are not allowed to connect to the Teen server. | User try to login with out sending the hwid



Approved ☑️


25 May 2020
Alınan Beğeni
Ödül Puanları
Bu kullanıcıyla bir anlaşma yapmak istiyorsanız, bu forumdan uzaklaştırıldığını lütfen unutmayın.
with dll limit ?
13 Nis 2020
Alınan Beğeni
Ödül Puanları
khu1 dai phuc bac ninh
Dosya Adı:​
Z-Filter Source Kaynak Dosyaları​
Dosya İçeriği:​
.exe, Kurulum Dosyası, Crack Dosyası vb.​

*** Gizli metin: alıntı yapılamaz. ***​
Dosya Amacı:​
Guard Source​

Çok Eski bi filter fixli değildir çoğu şey veya hatta hiçbirşey fixli bile olmayabilir altyapı için sadece paylaştım : D





  • Avatar exploit fixed
  • Invisible/Invincible exploit fixed
  • CharName injector exploit fixed
  • Zerk exploit fixed
  • Gameserver crash exploit fixed
  • ALL New exploit fixed on Z-Filter




Login Features

  1. Launcher News (you can renews the launcher news by the filter not need to restart gateway server anymore..!)
  2. Server Information (you can set your server name fake online max server online)
  3. Remove Captcha (you can easily remove the game captcha by our filter)

GM Features

  1. Mobkill 0 Command (you can improve this command to be mobkill 1 so gm cant get any drop from uniques)
  2. GM Control (you can control every single gm in your list Check _RefGM_Control)
  3. GM Start Visible (your gms will be visible for every one)
  4. Login Notice (Players will get notice when they login into your server (normal players only.))
  5. GM Private Password (you can protect your gms by type a second password on the game gm cant use notice/console before he enter the password)

JOB Features

  1. Disable JOB Mode (you can remove the job from your server)
  2. Reverse Scrolls (you can block this scroll while job state)
  3. Resurrection scroll (you can block this scroll while job state)
  4. Trace function (you can block this function while job state)
  5. Zerk function (you can block this function while job state)
  6. Berserk pot Scrolls function (you can block this scroll while job state)
  7. JOB Anti cheat (you can improve your job this feature will block thief cant use return scroll/pick trade items inside towns/spawn horses/trade pets inside towns)
  8. Europe Exchange (Europe players cant use exchange while job state europe players only)
  9. Chinese Exchange (Chinese players cant use exchange while job state chinese players only)
  10. Europe Exchange Delay (you can stop exchange delay for eu players while job state)
  11. Chinese Exchange Delay (you can stop exchange delay for ch players while job state)
  12. Job Skills (you can block specific Skills while job state)

Event Features
Battle Arena

  • Disable Battle arena (you can disable arena without restart your server)
  • Trace function (you can block this function inside Battle arena)
  • Zerk function (you can block this function inside Battle arena)
  • Berserk pot scrolls (you can block this scroll inside Battle arena)
  • Resurrection scroll (you can block this scroll inside Battle arena)
  • Europe Exchange (Europe players cant use exchange inside Battle arena europe players only)
  • Chinese Exchange (Chinese players cant use exchange while inside Battle arena chinese players only)
  • Europe Exchange Delay (you can stop exchange delay for eu players inside Battle arena)
  • Chinese Exchange Delay (you can stop exchange delay for ch players inside Battle arena)
  • Arena Skill (You can block skill inside battle arena)

Some area take the same setting of Battle Arena
Forgotten World
Jupiter Temple
Any Fortress war
Jangan Fortress
Bandit Fortress
Hotan Fortress

BOT Features

  • Ability to prevent third-part programs to enter the game.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs from alchemy.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs from joining Arena.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs from joining CTF.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs from joining Fortress.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs from changing avatar blues!
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs to create party matches!
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs to invite to party matches!
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs from opening a stall.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs to exchange another user.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs to use PVP cape.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs to join Holy water temple.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs to join Job Temple (Alex Cave).
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs to join Fortress war.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs to join Forgotten World.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs from tracing other users.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs from exchange other users.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs to use avatars blue.
  • Ability to prevent third-part programs to use specific skill.

Block SRO Functions Features

  • Ability to prevent Zerk in specific region
  • Ability to prevent Party in specific region
  • Ability to prevent Berserk Pot in specific region
  • Ability to prevent Trace in specific region
  • Ability to prevent Skill in specific region

PVP Features

  • Ability to prevent Zerk While pvp mode
  • Ability to prevent restart While pvp mode
  • Ability to prevent exit While pvp mode
  • Ability to prevent stall While pvp mode
  • Ability to prevent Berserk Pot While pvp mode
  • Ability to prevent Trace While pvp mode
  • Ability to prevent Skill While pvp mode
  • Ability to prevent PVP in specific region
  • Ability to prevent Europe players exchange While pvp mode
  • Ability to prevent Chinese players exchange While pvp mode
  • Ability to prevent Europe players exchange delay While pvp mode
  • Ability to prevent Chinese players exchange delay While pvp mode

LOG Feature

  • Ability to Log Private Chat
  • Ability to Log GM Chat
  • Ability to Log Stall Chat
  • Ability to Log Guild Chat
  • Ability to Log Union Chat
  • Ability to Log Party Chat
  • Ability to Log All Chat
  • Ability to Log Global Chat
  • Ability to Log Academy Chat
  • Ability to Log Unique's Kills

Auto PVP Feature

Auto pvp what that mean?
here you can set some regions that player will wear pvp cape automatically
that you chose
some sro feature can be managed in this area..

  • Ability to set the min level for who can play in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent change or close pvp mode in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent specific Skill in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent party in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent Zerk in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent restart in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent exit in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent stall in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent Berserk Pot in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent Trace in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent Skill in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent Europe players exchange in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent Chinese players exchange in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent Europe players exchange delay in auto-pvp region
  • Ability to prevent Chinese players exchange delay in auto-pvp region

Level Feature

  • Ability to set the min level for who can join arena
  • Ability to set the min level for who can join CTF
  • Ability to set the min level for who can open stall
  • Ability to set the min level for who can wear pvp cape
  • Ability to set the min level for who can use Exchange
  • Ability to set the min level for who can join Job
  • Ability to set the min level for who can use Resurrection scrolls
  • Ability to set the min level for who can use Zerk
  • Ability to set the min level for who can use global chat
  • Ability to set the min level for who can use reverse scrolls

Delay Feature

  • Exchange delay specified in seconds
  • Stall delay specified in seconds
  • Global delay specified in seconds
  • Reverse delay specified in seconds
  • Restart delay specified in seconds
  • Exit delay specified in seconds
  • Zerk delay specified in seconds.
  • Auto attack delay specified in seconds.
  • Pet delay specified in seconds.
  • Party delay specified in seconds.
  • Resurrection Scrolls delay specified in seconds.

Block Chat Feature

On this feature you can block all chat for user
user cant use any chat on the game before the end date

Bad-Word Advanced Filter


do you hate bad words?
here we made a advanced bad-word filter
filter will check every single name-message sent by users
if he find a bad word that on the filter bad word list
will ignore it wont be sent for the server anymore
filter will check what?

Crate new Character
Crate new Party
Change Party title
Crate new Guild
About Guild notice
Guild change grant-name
Guild notice
Crate new job
change job name
Send Message to guild member
Send Message to players















Limit Feature

IP Limit

Hwid Limit

Guild Limit

Union Limit

Extra Feature

  • Ability to prevent academy invite
  • Ability to prevent academy create
  • Ability to prevent Up STR
  • Ability to prevent Up INT
  • Ability to prevent Up Skills
  • Ability to prevent Up Mastery
  • Ability to prevent Restart
  • Ability to prevent Stall Out town
  • Ability to prevent avatar blue


Item Lock Feature

item-lock(anti scam system)

now you can protect your players
by add a private password on there account
!lock password will lock the character so most of the game will be locked you cant use stall,drop,guild..etc
!unlock password will unlock the character so can be use any thing
!removelock password will remove the lock system from the character

lock will prevent player from use

update guild grant name (if he muster the guild)
Disband the guild (if he muster the guild)
ban user from guild (if he muster the guild)
Promote the guild (if he muster the guild)
set Permission for user (if he muster the guild)
ban union (if he muster the guild)
leave union (if he muster the guild)
alchemy any type (elixir,socket,stone..etc)
donate guild gp
leave guild
guild invite
union invite
open guild storage
buy any thing from stall
up STR , UP INT, UP Skills, up mastery
create stall
use zerk
avatar blue
use Berserk potion
use global chat
use Rescurrection scroll
use job mode
buying item from npc
selling item to npc
drop item/gold
any type of exchange (send request/accept..etc)

Switch Title Feature
Prevent Teleport Feature

You can block specific TeleportID
By getting the teleportID from _RefTeleport
Like 1 -->Jangan
How To?:
Open sql and go SRO_VT_ZYENO-->_RefPreventTeleportID
And add what you want
Remember that you can re-enable The blocked teleport ID by setting service 0


Block Advance Elixir Feature

do you want to block advanced elixir on some items?
go to Silkroad-filter systems-> lists -> advance elixir list
how to use?
get the itemid that you want to block advance on itemid
and insert it into the list

Plus limit for specific Item Feature

Here you can set plus for specific item
How To?
Go to filter-->SYSTEMS-->Setting set (Enable Plus Limit For Specific item true)
Get item id and go to filter-->SYSTEMS-->Item Plus Limit
Add the itemid and the specific plus


Guild Member Grant Name Feature

Players can change their Grant-name w/o Guild master by chat command
!grantname New Grant here
Guild Master Must Be Online

AFK Feature

Afk bubbles
You can disconnect/Mark afk players on CTF/FORTRESS/ARENA/ALL



Reward Per Hour Feature

You can reward your palyers by special rewards
You can set the min level who can get the reward
You can prevent Bot/Afk players from getting the reward
Bạn có thể nhận thấy người chơi nhận được phần thưởng

Các loại phần thưởng
Quà tặng lụa
Điểm tơ tằm
Đồng vàng
Đồng xu
Xu sắt
Những đồng bạc
Arena Coins
Cuộn trò chuyện toàn cầu


Alchemy Tính năng thông báo mới

thuật giả kim đặc biệt cộng với thông báo
thông báo sẽ có 2 loại khác nhau
nếu mặt hàng có tiên dược
[Giả kim thuật] Người chơi Zyeno đã hợp nhất item_name item với plus_value với elixir adv_value nâng cao
[Alchemy] Người chơi Zyeno đã hợp nhất item_name item với plus_value mà không có thuốc tiên




Thông tin Tính năng Chuyển đổi Tiêu đề sẽ sớm được thêm vào



  • Bộ lọc được mã hóa, nếu virustotal hiển thị bất kỳ điều gì là dương tính giả của nó
  • Bạn phải nhập bộ lọc Notify files.txt vào media.pk2 của bạn
  • Kiểm tra Tên DB SHARD / ACC trong Quy trình được lưu trữ của SRO_VT_ZYENO

Tải xuống từ Tệp đính kèm
Bạn phải tải xuống


Chìa khóa | sử dụng
Máy chủ đã đầy, vui lòng thử lại sau. | Nếu máy chủ đạt được số người chơi tối đa
Không thể kết nối với máy chủ vì quyền truy cập vào IP hiện tại đã vượt quá giới hạn của nó. | Người dùng đạt đến giới hạn tối đa cho ip
Không thể kết nối với máy chủ vì máy chủ hiện đang được kiểm tra. | Máy chủ đang kiểm tra
Không thể kết nối vì dịch vụ miễn phí đã hết. | Người dùng đạt đến giới hạn tối đa cho hwid
Chỉ người dùng trên 12 tuổi mới được phép kết nối với máy chủ. | Người dùng bot cố gắng đăng nhập vào máy chủ
Người lớn trên 18 tuổi không được phép kết nối với máy chủ Teen. | Người dùng cố gắng đăng nhập mà không gửi hwid



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