Merhaba, Hoşgeldin!, Silkroad Online, Knight Online, Metin2 ve diğer çevrimiçi oyunlar için öncü bir yardım ve geliştirme platformudur. Misyonumuz, bilgi ve deneyim sahibi bireyleri, bilgiye ihtiyaç duyanlarla bir araya getirerek, zengin bir etkileşim ortamı yaratmak ve farklı bakış açılarını birleştirmektir. Topluluğumuzda güçlü bir işbirliği ve öğrenme kültürü oluşturarak, herkesin değerli katkılarda bulunmasını sağlıyoruz.

vSRO Çözüldü Gameserver & Sharmanager Teleport Hatası

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1 Nis 2019
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Vsro Editor Developer Mediapk
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oyunu acarken gameserver ve shard manager da bu hatayi aliyorum bu ne anlama geliyor ve nasil cozulur iyi forumlar

fatal can't find associated ref obj with this teleport[tel id: GATE_EU_TO_JUPITER_FIELD] 2020-08-15 14:28:19 237
fatal can't find associated ref obj with this teleport[tel id: GATE_JUPITER_FIELD_TO_EU] 2020-08-15 14:28:19 238
fatal can't find associated ref obj with this teleport[tel id: GATE_JUPITER_FIELD_TO_JUPITER] 2020-08-15 14:28:19 238
fatal can't find associated ref obj with this teleport[tel id: GATE_JUPITER_A_1] 2020-08-15 14:28:19 239
fatal can't find associated ref obj with this teleport[tel id: GATE_JUPITER_A_2] 2020-08-15 14:28:19 239
fatal can't find associated ref obj with this teleport[tel id: GATE_JUPITER_B_1] 2020-08-15 14:28:19 240
fatal can't find associated ref obj with this teleport[tel id: GATE_JUPITER_B_2] 2020-08-15 14:28:19 240
fatal can't find associated ref obj with this teleport[tel id: GATE_JUPITER_B2_START] 2020-08-15 14:28:19 241
fatal can't find associated ref obj with this teleport[tel id: GATE_JUPITER_B1_START] 2020-08-15 14:28:19 242
fatal can't find associated ref obj with this teleport[tel id: GATE_JUPITER_B1_1_TO_JUPITER] 2020-08-15 14:28:19 242
fatal can't find associated ref obj with this teleport[tel id: GATE_JUPITER_B1_2_TO_JUPITER] 2020-08-15 14:28:19 243
fatal can't find associated ref obj with this teleport[tel id: GATE_JUPITER_B2_1_TO_JUPITER] 2020-08-15 14:28:19 243
fatal can't find associated ref obj with this teleport[tel id: GATE_JUPITER_B2_2_TO_JUPITER] 2020-08-15 14:28:19 244
fatal can't find associated ref obj with this teleport[tel id: GATE_JUPITER_A0_START] 2020-08-15 14:28:19 244
fatal can't find associated ref obj with this teleport[tel id: GATE_JUPITER_B0_START] 2020-08-15 14:28:19 244
fatal can't find associated ref obj with this teleport[tel id: GATE_JUPITER_B0_1] 2020-08-15 14:28:19 245
fatal can't find associated ref obj with this teleport[tel id: GATE_JUPITER_B0_2] 2020-08-15 14:28:19 245
fatal can't find associated ref obj with this teleport[tel id: GATE_JUPITER_B0_3] 2020-08-15 14:28:19 246
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