Alex South KingsValley bak burası kapalı sende şöyle yapalım
Şehir Kodları;
CHINA 1 <-- Jangan
TQ 1 <-- Jangan Cave
West_China 1 <-- Downhang
Oasis_Kingdom 1 <-- Hotan
Thief Village 1 <-- Thief town
Roc 1 <-- Roc Mountain
Eu 1 <-- Constantinople
Am 1 <-- Asia Minor
Ca 1 <-- Central Asia
SD 0 <-- Alex North Salt Desert Teleport
KingsValley 0 <-- Alex South KingsValley
Pharaoh 0 <-- Holywater Temple
DELTA 0 <-- Alex Town
TEMPLE 0 <-- Alex Job Cave
FORT_JA_AREA 1 <-- Fortress Jangan
FORT_HT_AREA 1 <-- Fortress Hotan
FORT_DW_AREA 0 <--Fortress Donwhang
FORT_CT_AREA 0 <--Fortress Constantinople
FORT_SK_AREA 0 <--Fortress Samarkand
FORT_BJ_AREA 1 <--Fortress Bandit (BIJEOKDAN)
FORT_ER_AREA 0 <--Fortress EvilOrder
ARENA_OCCUPY 0 <-- Arena After Win Teleport
ARENA_FLAG 0 <-- Battle Arena Catpure the Flag
ARENA_SCORE 0 <-- Battle Arena Score
SIEGE_DUNGEON 1 <-- Fortress Cave
ARENA_GNGWC 0 <-- Game and Game World Champion Ship Event Area(GNGWC)
GOD_TOGUI 0 <-- (Forgotten World LV 40-80)
GOD_WRECK_IN 0 <-- (Forgotten World LV 80-90)
GOD_FLAME 0 <-- (Forgotten World LV 90-100)
GOD_WRECK_OUT 0 <-- (Forgotten World 100-110)
EVENT_GHOST 0<--- Ghost Event Place
JUPITER 0<--- Jupiter Temple
PRISON 0<--- Prison Map
GM_EVENT 0<--- GM Map