Merhaba, Hoşgeldin!, Silkroad Online, Knight Online, Metin2 ve diğer çevrimiçi oyunlar için öncü bir yardım ve geliştirme platformudur. Misyonumuz, bilgi ve deneyim sahibi bireyleri, bilgiye ihtiyaç duyanlarla bir araya getirerek, zengin bir etkileşim ortamı yaratmak ve farklı bakış açılarını birleştirmektir. Topluluğumuzda güçlü bir işbirliği ve öğrenme kültürü oluşturarak, herkesin değerli katkılarda bulunmasını sağlıyoruz.

vSRO Paylaşım STR - INT uniqueler.

You don't need to add anything to SkillEffect. Most people have to add the skilleffecte because they change the OrgObjName part when copying the unique.
You will know the job, you will not go to work :)

You don't need to add anything to SkillEffect. Most people have to add to the skilleffect lines because the OrgObjName part has changed.

You will know the job, you will not go to work :)

Don't forget to arrange the ID and links according to you.
Don't forget to arrange the ID and links according to you.

They don't spawn Elite monsters.
They don't spawns elite mobs.

Box contents :

Tiger Girl (STR)
Tiger Girl (INT)
Uruchi (STR)
Uruchi (INT)
Isyutaru (STR)
Isyutaru (INT)
Lord Yarkan (STR)
Lord Yarkan (INT)
Demon Shaitan (STR)
Demon Shaitan (INT)
Cerberus (STR)
Cerberus (INT)
Captain Ivy (STR)
Captain Ivy (INT)
Apis (STR)
Apis (INT)


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Teşekkür Ederim . . .

Çünkü Herkes Öldürür Sevdiğini Yeğen .

You don't need to add anything to SkillEffect. Most people have to add the skilleffecte because they change the OrgObjName part when copying the unique.
You will know the job, you will not go to work :)

You don't need to add anything to SkillEffect. Most people have to add to the skilleffect lines because the OrgObjName part has changed.

You will know the job, you will not go to work :)

Do n't forget to print out characterdata_XXX and patch it.
Don't forget to patch characterdata_XXX

Do n't forget to arrange the IDs and links according to you.
Don't forget to arrange the ID and links according to you.

They don't spawn Elite monsters. They were made over L3.
They don't spawns elite mobs.

Box contents :
Tiger Girl (STR)
Tiger Girl (INT)
Uruchi (STR)
Uruchi (INT)
Isyutaru (STR)
Isyutaru (INT)
Lord Yarkan (STR)
Lord Yarkan (INT)
Demon Shaitan (STR)
Demon Shaitan (INT)
Cerberus (STR)
Cerberus (INT)
Captain Ivy (STR)
Captain Ivy (INT)
Apis (STR)
Apis (INT)


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SkillEffect'e bir şey eklemenize gerek yok. Çoğu kişi unique kopyalayınca OrgObjName kısmını da değiştirdiğinden dolayı skilleffecte ekleme yapmak zorunda kalır.
İşi bileceksin işe gitmeyeceksin :)

You don't need to add anything to SkillEffect. Most people have to add to the skilleffect lines because the OrgObjName part has changed.

You will know the job, you will not go to work :)

characterdata_XXX çıktı alıp patch etmeyi unutmayın.
Don't forget to patch characterdata_XXX

ID ve linkleri kendinize göre düzenlemeyi unutmayın.
Don't forget to arrange the ID and links according to you.

Elite canavar çıkarmazlar. L3 üzerinden yapıldılar.
They don't spawns elite mobs.

Kutu içeriği :
Tiger Girl(STR)
Tiger Girl(INT)
Lord Yarkan(STR)
Lord Yarkan(INT)
Demon Shaitan(STR)
Demon Shaitan(INT)
Captain Ivy(STR)
Captain Ivy(INT)


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